Edmund Hillary Fellowship Fosters Global Impact Ventures

Cynthia La Grou is the founder and executive director of the Compathos Foundation. She is also the co-founder and communications director of Millennia Music and Media company based in Diamond Springs, California. Besides being responsible for corporate governance and overseeing marketing strategies for the company, Cynthia La Grou is passionate about community involvement, especially in global impact ventures, and is a fellow of the Edmund Hillary Fellowship (EHF).

Established in 2016, EHF aims to provide an avenue to incubate impactful ventures for investors, innovators, startups, and entrepreneurs in New Zealand. The fellowship currently hosts over 500 hundred individuals and groups to partner with Aotearoa, New Zealand, to brainstorm and seek solutions to global challenges. Aotearoa offers global leadership and solutions for future generations.

Through this and other partnerships, EHF has provided solutions by starting and scaling ventures, providing mentorship and investment, and democratizing technologies over the years. Other programs include tackling inequalities and empowering youth in New Zealand, especially in the Wellington, Maori, and Pasifika regions. To bring together the fellows who are scattered across the globe and aid in frequent collaborations, EHF has been working with Immigration New Zealand for special Global Impact Visas.

Valid for three years, the visas aid up to 400 international fellows from over 45 countries to work and travel in and out of New Zealand on impactful programs associated with EHF at its headquarters in Aotearoa. The program also includes 100 New Zealanders to assist in onboarding, orienting, and creating connections with the international fellows.

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